
In need of home repairs? Here you will find details on eligibility, the application process, how to apply, and commonly asked questions.

Ready to Apply?

Apply Now

Renovation Alliance is now using Neighborly to accept and manage applications. Once you register for a Neighborly account, you can submit an application to Renovation Alliance for home repairs. You will also be able to log back into this account to check the status of the application and submit eligibility documentation as requested.

Instructions for submitting a new application for home repairs:

  1. Click the “Apply Now” button above and register as a new user. For a step-by-step guide on how to set up a Neighborly account, Click Here.

  2. Sign in with the new account.

  3. Click the “Start Application” button.

  4. Follow the prompts to complete the application.

  5. To check the status of an existing application, use the same “Apply Now” button above. Application status will appear below “Status”.

Download or Request a Paper Application

Prefer to complete a paper application? Click Here to download the application OR call our office to have an application mailed to your address. All paper applications should be returned by mail at the address below.

Contact our team at (540) 400-0959

Mail applications to: Renovation Alliance, P.O. Box 4532, Roanoke, VA 24015


  • Applicant must own the home and the home must be the applicant’s primary residence.

  • The home must be located in Renovation Alliance’s service area (cities of Roanoke and Salem, counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Floyd).

  • Gross annual household income must be equal to or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI). Determination is based on household size. See chart for more detail.

  • Renovation Alliance does implement a prioritization process to consider the urgency of the repair and the need of the household. Prioritized populations include homeowners aged 60 and older, Veterans and surviving partners, those living with a disability, and single parent households with young children.

Income Eligibility (HUD, 2024)

Household Size 80% AMI
















What type of work does Renovation Alliance do?

Critical and Necessary repairs and rehabilitation – Roof repairs/replacements; heating and cooling system repairs/replacements; repairs/upgrades on electrical and plumbing; structural repairs; window repairs/replacements.

Safety and Accessibility Modifications – Installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, grab bars, shower seats, raised toilets, stairway rails, and no-slip stair treads; building wheelchair-accessible ramps; and eliminating trip and fall hazards.

We are not typically able to address mold/pest issues or cosmetic upgrades. The extent of repairs provided is subject to availability of funding and a prioritization of critical repairs.

Do homeowners pay for their repairs?

No. Thanks to public and private grants, generous donors and sponsors, and its use of volunteer and partner contractor labor, Renovation Alliance is able to provide all services free of charge to homeowners.

Homeowners should anticipate that some or all of the repair work on their home will be completed by a volunteer or group of volunteers. Homeowners are asked to welcome the volunteers into their homes and work alongside them to the extent they are able.

I have submitted an application, what happens next?

Once we receive your application, our staff will complete a preliminary application review for completion and basic eligibility. We will contact you if more information is needed. Renovation Alliance’s team meets monthly to review applications on its waiting list. Applications will be selected to begin the Home Review process based on the following criteria: 1. eligibility of the household; 2. whether the repairs requested are critical or necessary; and 2. funding availability and appropriateness.

If your application is denied, Renovation Alliance will mail a letter to include the reason for denial.

My application has been selected for Home Review by RA staff. When will my repairs be completed?

During the Home Review process, Renovation Alliance staff will meet with the homeowner(s) and/or family members to complete a review of the home. The review process includes a full home assessment to identify health and safety concerns and necessary repairs. Staff will discuss repair/rehabilitation priorities with the homeowner(s) to develop a Work Scope.

This Home Review period will include the income verification process during which the homeowner(s) and members of the household will submit required income documentation to be used by Renovation Alliance staff to verify eligibility.

Once these items are completed, our staff will begin work to schedule the repair(s)/rehabilitation work. Repair dates vary based on many different factors including the type of funding source used to cover the cost of repair(s) and the availability of volunteers/volunteer groups and/or professional contractors.

Wait periods from submission of application to completion of repair(s)/rehabilitation can be up to 1 year, with an average waiting period of 3 - 6 months. We understand that it can be very frustrating to wait, please be patient with us as we try to help as many families as possible.

I do not meet your eligibility criteria and need home repair assistance. Can I still apply?

Renovation Alliance’s program services are restricted to owner-occupied homes, located within our service area, for households meeting strict income eligibility requirements. If you need home repair assistance and do not meet our eligibility criteria, please call Virginia 2-1-1 or visit to locate alternate resources.

Have Questions?

Our team members are here to help answer any of your questions regarding our eligibility criteria, the application process, or our program services.

Call Renovation Alliance: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (540) 400-0959